Who’s older, izzo or the tooth fairy?

Happy National Tooth Fairy Day from izzo! We’re celebrating with a little bit of history and showing how izzo’s 4-in-1 kit can make you believe in your brightest smile. 

At izzo, we and the tooth fairy go way back, and it’s not just that we’re in the same business. Did you know the creators of izzo’s oral care kit are older than the tooth fairy? Premier Dental, the creators of izzo’s oral care kit, was founded in 1913, more than a decade before the first mention of the tooth fairy in 1927 in a play written by Esther Watkins Arnold. So, even before kids were making wishes on the tooth fairy, we were making a wish for healthier, happier smiles!

Of course, if the tooth fairy were real, we’re pretty sure she’d be izzo’s biggest fan. After all, she does seem to care a lot about that pearly white kingdom of teeth she’s got going on. In fact, here’s how we might explain the izzo 4-in-1 oral care system to her in fairy terms:

  • Deep clean with our advanced oscillating brush that moves faster than any fairies' wings, or oscillating brush. 
  • Wave goodbye to hard-to-reach debris with our version of a magic wand, a safe and effective scaler made from medical-grade polymer, specifically designed to be used at home.
  • Safely whiten 73% better than top whitening toothpastes for sparkly bright teeth with our polishing cup and polishing paste.
  • And say "poof" to 99.9% of germs with a UVC sanitizing case.

It’s not magic, it’s 100 years of oral care expertise. 

Take your smile to a place it's never been. 

izzo. Smile On.



21, Posted on August. “The Tooth Fairy Teaches Children about Oral Health and Gives Families a Reason to Celebrate.” The Tooth Fairy Teaches Children about Oral Health and Gives Families a Reason to Celebrate - Delta Dental of Illinois, https://www.deltadentalil.com/your-health/childrens-oral-health/tooth-fairy-teaches-oral-health/#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%2045%25%20of%20caregivers,habits%20in%20a%20positive%20way.